iTunes Backup Extractor
iTunes Backup Extractor


iPhone Backup Extractor and Viewer

iBackupViewercanhelpyoutosavevoicerecordingsfromyouriPhone,whichareextractedfromiOSbackupsmadebyiTunes.Youcanextractoutallthememos ...

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Free iPhone Backup Extractor for You to Extract iTunes ...

EaseUS MobiMover, an iPhone data transfer & backup tool, and iPhone backup extractor, allows you to view your iTunes backups, both encrypted and unencrypted.

Free iTunes Backup Extractor

2020年8月16日 — Free iTunes Backup Extractor is an easy to use tool to extract data from iTunes backup files. It supports many data type, such as photo, ...

iPhone Backup Extractor & Browser

Browse and extract files from iOS backups. Easily navigate the file system of your iTunes backup with a powerful file browser. Read encrypted iOS backups and ...

iPhone Backup Extractor and Viewer

iBackup Viewer can help you to save voice recordings from your iPhone, which are extracted from iOS backups made by iTunes. You can extract out all the memos ...

iPhone Backup Extractor for Windows and Mac

Free iPhone Backup Extractor for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Recover contacts, photos, SMS, notes and app data on Windows or Mac.

iPhone Backup Extractor free download

100% Safe & Free iPhone iTunes Backup Extractor for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Recover and extract files to retrieve contacts, photos, chats, SMS and more.

iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor runs on your PC or Mac, and supports device access over USB, and reads data from iPhone, Finder and iTunes backups.


iTunes Backup Explorer is a graphical open-source tool that can show, extract, and replace files in iPhone and iPad backups.

Top 3 Free iPhone Backup Extractors [2024]

2023年12月28日 — #1. Jihosoft free iTunes backup extractor ... Jihosoft is a great tool for iPhone, . You could use it to extract data like contacts, call logs, ...


EaseUSMobiMover,aniPhonedatatransfer&backuptool,andiPhonebackupextractor,allowsyoutoviewyouriTunesbackups,bothencryptedandunencrypted.,2020年8月16日—FreeiTunesBackupExtractorisaneasytousetooltoextractdatafromiTunesbackupfiles.Itsupportsmanydatatype,suchasphoto, ...,BrowseandextractfilesfromiOSbackups.EasilynavigatethefilesystemofyouriTunesbackupwithapowerfulfilebrowser.ReadencryptediOSback...